The Sex Organs - we’re fucked


 The Sex Organs "we’re fucked"
FORMAT LP+CD: VR12131 (Bar-Code: 7640148983310)
FORMAT CD: VRCD132 (Bar-Code: 7640148983389)

The greatest band in the world is back with their 2nd album, a direct import from the Andromeda galaxy, Bone (NL/The Anomalys)

In 2013 NASA received a strange signal from the Andromeda galaxy. two representatives (of beings resembling human sex genitals) of an alien planet each visited our planet. after more than 10 years living among us and spreading their message mercilessly also through their human slave company Voodoo Rhythm Records (album release 'intergalactic sex tourists'2016) and Orgastic Records (underpants 7") they have come to the conclusion that the whole earth is at an abyss and there is no hope . . except to submit to the machinations of the 'Sex Organs' in 12 manifestos on this record they show us how it's done with „Vagina Dentata“ is revolution of world domination and „Nipple Twister“ is for those who don't want to listen, „Sex Shop“ is shopping mall and We're fucked is the conclusion
Members: Bone (NL/The Anomalys), Jackie (CH/The Jackets)
Recorded, mixed by Lo Spider at Swampland Studios and mastered by Matt Bordin at Outside Inside Studio




Im Jahr 2013 erhielt die NASA ein seltsames Signal von der Andromeda-Galaxie. je zwei Vertretern (von Wesen ähnelt menschlichen Geschlechtsorgane) eines fremden Planeten besuchten unseren Planeten. nach mehr als 10 Jahren unter uns lebend und ihre Message gnadenlos verbreitend auch durch ihre Menschlichen Sklaven Firma Voodoo Rhythm Records (album release ‚intergalactic sex tourists’2016) und Orgastic Records (underpants 7“) sind sie zum Schluss gekommen das die Ganze Erde an einem Abgrund steht und es keine Hoffnung mer gibt .. ausser sich den Machenschaften der ‚Sex Organs‘ zu unterwerfen in 12 manifesten auf dieser Schallplatte geben sie uns vor wie das gemacht wird mit Vagina Dentata is Revolution der Weltherrschaft angesagt und Nippel Twister ist für solche die nicht hinhören wollen, Sex Shop ist Shopping mall und We’re fucked ist die Schlussfolgerung
Members: Bone (NL/The Anomalys), Jackie (CH/The Jackets)
Recorded, mixed by Lo Spider at Swampland Studios and mastered by Matt Bordin at Outside Inside Studio




scene point blank (USA)
Sex Organs is a duo based between The Netherlands and Switzerland, formed by members of The Anomalys and The Jackets who play scuzzy garage-punk while dressed as genitalia. Obviously, it’s a gimmick where the band has a focus on their fun, sex positive message rather than breaking new artistic ground. That’s a short way of saying this record reminds me of a lot of classic garage rock tunes over 12 tracks. It’s the rare case where you can somewhat judge an album by its cover, at least as far as knowing what you’re about to spin on your record player. Song topics include dildos, assholes, underpants and general naughtiness. Take that R-rated theme and add a singalong party punk vibe and you have the band’s basic sound figured out. Scroll down and look at the tracklist in the Spotify link to flesh that out. Going a little deeper, this is high energy rock ‘n’ roll with swagger. It’s somewhat lo-fi and gritty, but equally singalong and festive. The dual vocals remind me of Quintron & Miss Pussycat with a unison shouting style that’s fairly repetitive. Musically it reminds me more of The Cavemen’s style of dirty garage-punk. “Sex Shop” slows it down to that dual vocal chant, whereas “Where Is My Dildo” after it has a little more groove with something of a call and response format to the chorus (minus the response). “Vagina Dentata” is a raw stomper, and “Fuck All The Time” kind of weaves it all together. “Underpants” and “Nipple Twister” are arguably the silliest of the bunch. And of course the title track and album closer are a perfect double entendre for the times.

Hebben we net de week van de lentekriebels achter de rug met de nodige, gebruikelijke commotie, komen The Sex Organs met hun tweede album op de proppen. We’re Fucked (the ultimate soundtrack for the downfall) is absoluut niet geschikt voor de gevoelige oortjes. Zowel muzikaal als tekstueel brengt dit duo pure vunzigheid naar de huiskamer. The Sex Organs bestaat uit Bone (van The Anomalys) gekleed in een enorme pluche pielemans en Jackie Torera (van The Jackets) gekleed als een grote knuffelflamoes, en op We’re Fucked knallen ze er 12 heerlijk rammelende liedjes doorheen met niets verhullende titels als Where Is My Dildo, Vagina Dentata, Fuck All The Time en Hair in My Mouth. Maar wie tussen alle tekstuele banaliteiten heen luistert, kan genieten van een lekker trashy, primitieve en rauw tot op het bot klinkende garage rock-‘n-roll. Meer onderbuik dan dit is moeilijk te vinden. Aan de stijl is op zich niet heel veel veranderd in vergelijking met hun debuutalbum, Intergalactic Seks Tourists, zeker niet tekstueel gezien, maar het geheel klinkt productioneel beter, zonder in te boeten aan rauwheid en de liedjes zijn een stuk afwisselender. Persoonlijke favorieten zijn Seks Shop (waarbij Jackie een mooie opsomming doet wat er allemaal te koop is voor de twijfelende klant), Do It Yourself (My baby passed out before twelve, that’s why I got to do it myself) en Nipple Twister. We’re fucked is een zeer vermakelijke garageplaat. De powerchords van Bone geven de sixties stijl lo-fi garagerock de juiste punkinjectie. Tel daar de pakkende zanglijnen bij op en je hebt een feestplaat van jewelste. In het tourschema zag ik helaas nog geen Nederlandse data. Ik hoop dat die wel komen want live is dit ook echt aan te raden.

Garage punk duo The Sex Organs are set to release their new album We’re Fucked on March 15, 2024. The Sex Organs is composed of guitarist/vocalist Bone and drummer/vocalist Jackie (aka Vagina Dentata) – a pair of anthropomorphized genitalia on legs. The band released their debut album Intergalactic Sex Tourists in 2016, which had a pro-sex theme and advocated for the de-stigmatization of sex and sexuality. With Intergalactic Sex Tourists, The Sex Organs sought to target self-inflicted sexual repression and let the world know of the pleasures they’d been missing. Arvada Center Great Comet
But now the band is back from outer space to save the world again with We’re Fucked, a twelve track album featuring singles such as “Nipple Twister” and “do it yourself”. “Well, We’re Fucked is a double meaning, given the state of the planet, but also, it’s fun getting fucked as a sex organ, you know? The overall message on this record is more of a reality check than the first one, showing how hard it is to save these humans from their pitiful state of being. The songs pretty much speak for themselves,” says Bone. Ahead of the album’s release, the band released a music video for “do it yourself”, a snazzy vintage lyric video that is currently available to be streamed on YouTube. The Sex Organs are set to tour following the release of their new album and will be playing multiple venues around Europe from March 15, 2024 through May 1, 2024.

white room reviews (NL)
Achter deze band gaat een duo schuil. Jackie en Bone ogen daarbij niet echt menselijk, gezien hun voorkomen vooral gebaseerd is op een buitenaardse, levendig eerbetoon aan zowel het mannelijke als vrouwelijk geslacht. Daarbij moet wel de kanttekening gemaakt worden dat er ook nog iets monsterlijks in zit.
We’re Fucked - De nieuwe langspeler telt twaalf tracks. En ja, bij alle twaalf heeft seks een grote invloed, vooral op de teksten. ‘Let’s Fuck Around’ zet direct de toon en tracks als ‘Sex Shop’ en ‘Where’s My Dildo’ winden er ook geen doekjes op. Buiten het feit dat de zoektocht naar het seksspeeltje wel heel nadrukkelijk georeerd wordt, onderstreept die track ook het muzikale karakter van dit duo. De garagerock bestaat uit een lekker overstuurde gitaar en drums. De flink aangezette distortion komt bijvoorbeeld in ‘Do It Yourself’ sterk naar voren. Dat geeft energie. Tevens blijkt dan dat The Sex Organs op We’re Fucked zich niet alleen op seks met anderen richt. Misschien is de thematiek allemaal wat oversekst voor sommigen, maar feit is wel wat We’re Fucked laat horen dat The Sex Organs bewijst dat de garagerock nog steeds levendig is. Kortom, een plaat die tongen losmaakt.

Typically, when a huge dick is fronting a band, that’s your cue to leave. Not here. If ever you walk in on The Sex Organs, take off your pants and join the party. Coming straight from the Andromeda Galaxy, the duo of Bone (guitar/vocals) and Vagina Dentata (drums/vocals) are here to share We’re Fucked on Voodoo Rhythm Records. It’s the second LP from this gigantic genitalia-shaped rock combo, and the follow-up to 2017’s Intergalactic Sex Tourists. The new album is a dozen tracks of erotic rock ‘n roll, continuing the band’s sex-positive, lo-fi mission to get you laid. We’re Fucked is a romp. The opener, “Let’s Fuck Around,” is a blast of classic stripped-down rock that highlights how the classic garage rock of the ‘60s mutated into the Ramones’ primordial punk. “Where Is My Dildo” and “Hair in My Mouth” are equally arousing as they are funny. “Vagina Dentata” will make you want to avoid the dentist, while “Asshole” has the weirdest (and grossest, depending on your tolerance level) solo ever. Plus, We’re Fucked is educational. After listening to “Oxytocine,” you’ll learn it’s “a natural hormone that manages key aspects of the female and male reproductive systems.”
(There are rumors that this trashy rock twosome is Bone from The Anyomalys and Jackie from The Jackets. But Jackie and Bone aren’t from Andromeda, so take that with a pinch of salt.) The Sex Organs are a two-piece, and while that might be a turn-off to some listeners, they should open up and give We’re Fucked a try. Yes, twosomes often fail to excite you because they’re limited in scope and sound. In order to stand out, these bands need to bring a unique perspective, a creative gimmick, some amazing songs, or d) all of the above. Thankfully, The Sex Organs are not ones to be caught with their pants down. We’re Fucked is surging with amazing tunes, hilarious one-liners, a pro-sex attitude, and hooks so catchy, you may want to check yourself into a clinic. We’re Fucked shows how The Sex Organs have grown from their debut, delivering a bigger, girthier sound. Bone’s guitarwork dabbles in power cords, fuzz, and surf twang. Vagina Dentata’s drumming hits all the right spots (her bongo work on “Asshole” is a highlight of the album), and her vocals are just as alluring. We’re Fucked is a blast from foreplay to climax. Best of all? Once is not enough; We’re Fucked is so good, The Sex Organs will keep you coming back for more.

Genital Thoughts: The Sex Organs are an intergalactic garage rock two-piece. To the casual observer, it might look like they’re just a couple of musicians in costume. But no! They really are an intergalactic garage rock two-piece. Think the White Stripes smashed into GWAR, and stirred until gloopy. The difference is, rather than these aliens looking like grotesque warlords, this pair resembles a giant, walking, hairy dick, and a giant, walking, hairy vagina. The Sex Organs are Bone (guitars, vocals) and Vagina Dentata (drums, vocals), and they journeyed here from the Andromeda Galaxy to offer us a little educational nudge.
“The appearance of the Sex Organs draws shock and awe for different reasons, depending on what moral aisle you side with,” their bio reads. “However, their tact isn’t geared towards any form of moral subversion (regardless of what Puritans think) — they’re here to educate and remind humanity that we have a libido, and we better damn well use it before it’s too late!”
Great advice from the musical alien genitals. Their backstory is that they crash-landed on the planet Earth a decade ago, and “upon seeing the consequences of our dominating behaviors towards one another, the duo concluded that humankind’s ongoing abhorrent behavior towards one another must be from varying degrees of self-inflicted sexual repressions.”
That’s an odd thing for intelligent life from another world to concern themselves with, but our boink levels were down and that got the extraterrestrial alarms ringing.
“All in all, the duo believed we were not getting laid enough, whether by our own hand or the loving touch of another. Their debut album, Intergalactic Sex Tourists, sought to address remedies and de-stigmatization of one of our most natural instincts, and since coming back to see how the results of their pro-sex campaign have affected humanity, arrived back on Earth at a much unsexier time than when they last left.”
The band themselves clarified things further when we, ummm, probed them.
“In 2014, we invaded planet Earth as representatives of a planet inhabited by gigantic and hairy genitals,” they said. “We had been monitoring human sexual activity for the last several decades and felt that it was time to save the world from eternal depression and impending unsexiness. To our surprise, we instantly became a cult act, causing a wave of rock ‘n’ roll “sexcitement” on our first World tour — right when needed. We gave humans the opportunity to be hilarious and silly again, to feel loose and unashamed — at least for the length of a show! We proved that changing the perspective of a Sex Organ can be a very healthy and stimulating act, especially for earthlings. We also played in established museums, film, and comic festivals and were (proudly) banned from Castle Dracula in Transylvania because of our hair (true story)! Being the Sex Organs might be challenging, but never boring.”
The Sex Organs release their second album, We’re Fucked, on March 15, a worthy successor to Intergalactic Sex Tourists.
“Recorded in Toulouse at Swampland Studios by madman engineer Lo Spider, the Sex Organs have entrusted their longtime propaganda outlet Voodoo Rhythm Records, to handle We’re Fucked’s release worldwide,” the bio reads. “Since forming, the Sex Organs’ continuous efforts in crediting an orgasm’s healing power have brought their spaceship across Europe, the United Kingdom, and into Canada, with appearances at Azkena Rock Festival, Funtastic Dracula, Cosmic Trip, and Hipsville.”
The thing about it all is, you might wonder what sort of a noise a fantastical phallus and a musical muff could possibly make. That’s a reasonable question, if an extremely odd sentence. The band has the answers.
“Wild screeching fuzz guitar, primitive pounding drums, and shameless but harmonic lyrics with lots of intergalactic echo,” they say. “We feel very much related and attracted to human bands like the Gories and the Cramps — they make our hair stand up on no end!”
The new album is packed with 12 tracks, with titles that include “Hair in My Mouth,” “Where is My Dildo,” “Nipple Twister,” “Do it Myself,” “Fuck All the Time,” and “Underpants.” The songs are typically raucous, but there have been shifts between records.
“We’re as horny and potent as ever, but as the world went down the tubes, we were forced to find a new level of directness and a straight-in-your-face approach,” they say. “Our sound has become bigger and ballsier, our lyrics more poetic and self-reflecting.”
As previously mentioned, Lo Spider was behind the decks for We’re Fucked, the results of a randy hangout across the Atlantic.
“In 2023, we had a threesome with Lo Spider in his legendary Swampland studio located in Toulouse (France); he played his organ and the vacuum cleaner amongst fumbling the knobs,” they say. “We’re also working with the underground rock ‘n’ roll icon himself, Beat-Man, of Voodoo Rhythm Records, to help us release this album.”
Every song on the album is based on a personal experience with a universal message, according to the band. Which makes sense, if “everyone needs to get laid more often” is the sort of message that crosses universes. Their live performances, meanwhile, are the stuff of legend. Sorta.
“It normally starts with blushed faces, followed by cackling attacks, turning into hyper-happiness, bordering on pheromone ODs, and often ending into unadulterated group sex,” they say.
When we ask if it’s hard to be a giant organ on stage, they offer up a, “Better hard than soft.” To be fair, we walked into that one. We should have expected it from ginormous genitals. But don’t underestimate them — these Sex Organs have only just started their takeover of this planet.
“In Spring, we will spread our gospel over France, Spain, and Switzerland on our We’re Fucked release tour,” they say. “We will play some major European festivals in summer, and in autumn, we will invade the USA!” Bring it on!

You’re damn right a band consisting of Roger Corman-esque furry nether regions will snag some attention! The Sex Organs aren’t only a visual spectacle; their music taps into the brain’s subcortical parts with songs about sex toys, camel toes, masturbation, and how folks should cum more and stress less. The metagalactic duo returns to Earth to further destigmatize the carnal mindset with their new album, We’re Fucked, and premiere their video for the single “Do It Yourself.”
“Do It Yourself” is the fourth cut from their second record, announced in early February alongside the lead single “Sex Shop,” “Nipple Twister,” and “Where is My Dildo.” We’re Fucked marks The Sex Organs reuniting with Toulousian engineer Lo Spider over at Swampland Studios and with their Bernese propaganda outlet, Voodoo Rhythm Records, spreading songs against sanctimony and encouraging humankind to (make) love (to) themselves and others! ​Voodoo Rhythm Records will release We’re Fucked on March 15th, a tour across Spain and parts of France and Switzerland will occur in April. Catch everything on The Sex Organs via their official website or through Voodoo Rhythm Records.