VR1297 1


1 Puppy Nun
2 Coitus Interruptus (From a Priest)
3 Magic Sam
4 Drunk Town
5 Don't Look in the Basement
6 Misery
7 Azazel
8 Sin, you Sinners!
9 Hell's Gate
10 Shaking Satan's Balls
LP+CD: VR1297 (Bar-Code: 7640148982498)
CD: VRCD97 (Bar-Code: 7640148982528)


The Devils named themself after KEN RUSSEL'S super B-Movie 'the devils' from 1971, inspired by listening to BLUES AND PUNK and many other Undergrund Bands (The Cramps, HOUND DOG TAYLOR, The Gories, Jon Spencer, FUGAZI, Hasil Adkins, The Oblivians etc) they formed their own band 2015 in Neaples Italy, the Deep South of Italy. Gianni Vessella plays the Guitar and Sings and Erica Toraldo hits the Drums and Screams in Microphone. In the Beginning they did Countless Shows in Italy DIY and France where they meet up with
JIM DIAMOND from THE DIRTBOMBS who recorded that first Full Lenght album, the same Day Reverend Beat-Man from Voodoo Rhythm records was in the same town and got their recordings and signed them up on the Label. This is a Record with a Huge Wall of GUITAR FUZZ and Noise and Vocals as Stupid and Minimalistic as it gets, this is NO BOB DYLAN POETRY thats pure EVIL and Lots of Fun !! Chainsaw Massacre HYSTERIC Earbleeding Vocals and the Drumer probably Eats Speed and Power Food for Breakfast, they are Dressed up as Preacher and Nun and Destroy every Stage that they can play on, they Are Hot and Wild and Very Loud !!!!!



Die Band hat sich nach dem Gleichnamigen film THE DEVILS (mit Kurt Russel 1971) benannt, kommend aus Napili in Süd Italien macht das irgendwie sinn, ihre Musik ist beinflusst von The Cramps, Hound Dog Taylor, The Gories, Jon Spencer, Fugazi, Hasil Adkins oder The Oblivians weil sie aber nur zu zweit sind müssen sie richtig Gas geben, Gianni Vessella Schrummt aud der Gitarre herum und spielt sie über einen bis ins maximum aufgedrehten Bass Amp dazu schreit in ein Verstaubtes 100 jähriges Mikrofon, Erica Toraldo schlägt so dermaßen auf ihr Schlagzeug ein dass sie regelmäßig die felle wechseln muss dazu schreit sie Hysterisch wie bessessen in ein noch verstaubterse noch älteres Mikrofon, dies erzeugt einen Sound dem es einem schwer fällt still zu stehen und nicht zu involvieren, die Gitarre ist Ultra Hart und das Schlagzeug Hi Speed Schnell und im Hinterkopf haben sie Rock'n'roll, als sie 2015 haben sie Unendliche Shows in Italien gespielt und auf einer Frankreich Tour Jim Diamond (Dirtbombs) kennengelernt mit dem sie dann diese Schallplatte in 2 tagen aufgenommen haben, am tag der Aufnahme haben sie Reverend Beat-Man das Demo in die hand gedrückt und somit bei Voodoo Rhythm unterschrieben, Gianni ist auf der Bühne Als Pfarrer verkleidet mit Gold Schuhen und Erika als Nonne mit Strapsen in Süd Italien hoch provokant hier hoch erotisch und in beiden teilen total Rock'n'Roll


Independent Swiss label Voodoo Rhythm Records recently released the debut LP by Naples, Italy duo The Devils, the aptly titled Sin, You Sinners! With heavily distorted guitar, violent drums, and banshee-esque vocals coupled with dirty singing, the two create a mixture of loud, noisy garage punk and ear-bleeding, blasphemous blues trash. There are ten songs total on Sin, You Sinners!, few of which make it past the two-minute mark. All in all, the album speeds by like an amphetamine high, landing at just under twenty minutes in length. The Devils do have a band gimmick. Guitarist/vocalist Gianni Vessella dresses like a priest, while drummer/screamer Erica Toraldo dresses like a nun. Of course, these look more like fetish outfits or cosplay getups than the real thing - holy costumes on unholy characters - which makes it both stupid and fun at the same time. And judging by the songs and the pictures in the album's foldout booklet, The Devils don't take themselves or their music too seriously, which makes it all the more enjoyable.
Song names for The Devils' Sin, You Sinners! include: "Puppy Nun," "Coitus Interuptus (from a Priest)," "Drunk Town," "Azazel," "Hell's Gate," and "Shaking Satan's Balls."

Il tempo di capire chi te le sta suonando, e i Devils sono già andati via. Rientrati in canonica. Ammazzando il tempo dell’attesa per le lacrime di sangue di San Gennaro facendo sanguinare il vostro naso. Sin, You Sinners ha un tiro micidiale. È un garage and roll del tutto impreciso e dozzinale, come la definizione appena data per descriverlo in maniera alquanto sommaria e approssimativa. Se infatti il garage e il rock ‘n’ roll dei Fifties servono per circoscrivere il raggio di azione della coppia napoletana, c’è da dire che i due si avventano letteralmente sulla materia sonora, torturandola fino a deturparne il corpo e spaccandone le viscere come in una mattanza ordinata da un qualche Dio malevolo. La presenza di qualche stomp come Coitus Interruptus e Drunk Town serve a smorzare la tensione catastrofica di questi diciotto minuti di delirio di tamburi e distorsioni sopravvivendo ai quali potrete forse chiedere di essere accolti nella loro parrocchia. Genuflettendovi. (Franco Dimauro)

THE DEVILS scheppern so schnell und dreckig durch ihr Erstlingswerk wie ein Bischof, der sich wegen Veruntreuung von Kirchengeldern aus dem Staub machen muss. Was für ein brachialer Spirit, eine rotzfreche Attitüde! Allein Songnamen wie „Coitus Interruptus (From A Priest)“ oder „Shaking Satans Balls“ passen bestens ins blasphemisch-höhnische Konzept der Band.Dass Voodoo Rhythm Records ein Faible und ein Gespür für Kuriosa hat, bewies das Label schon oft. Wer bei den DEVILS allerdings den typischen Lo-Fi-Bluesrock erwartet, kriegt sofort eine mit dem Paddel vor die Lauscher. Dieser Rock´n´Roll-Bastard vermählt sich mit wuchtigen Anleihen, die so auch gern mal im Grindcore vorkommen. Der Bass dröhnt mit viel Verzerrung, die Kessel hämmern geradlinig drauf los. Einzig die Vocals werden zur Nebensache, da meist so viel Hall auf den Stimmen liegt, dass man nichts versteht und die Melodien fast noisig ausfallen. Dennoch trägt das zur Summe der Songs einen wichtigen Teil bei. Quentin Tarantino würde diese Platte wahrscheinlich lieben und in einem seiner zwei verbleibenden Filme verwursten. Für eine lange Montage würde es aber nicht reichen, da die meisten Tracks schon nach einer oder zwei Minuten verbrannt sind. Daher ist „Sin, You Sinners!“ eine kurzweilige, wenn auch sehr unterhaltsame Scheibe, mit der man jeden Roadtrip zu Festivals oder Camping eröffnen kann.

If you like The Cramps or The Gories, then The Devils would be good company to add to your record collection. Imagine a sound that totally devastates in its raw deliverance of absolute damnation. If your mind’s eye allows you to contemplate this scene, then your attention should be on The Devils. Hailing from Napoli, Italy, this group takes its name from the 1971 movie of the same name, directed by Ken Russel and starring Oliver Reed and Vanessa Redgrave. The film was said to be so controversial that it was subject to remain in cult-like obscurity for years after release. In some countries, the film even faced total banishment. There is no doubt that this is a hard reputation to live up to. After subjecting myself to the fury that is Sin, You Sinners!, I am confident to say that The Devils do just that. Sin, You Sinners!, came out June 24, and would be the perfect album to instill anarchy all the way from the downtown hipster bars to the quiet and complacent suburban boroughs. This is an album that is meant to fully enjoy as you pop it into the boombox and proceed to crash the local hipster or neo–new waver’s party. In doing so, you might even make some friends, or more likely, loads of trendy enemies.Before you plug in, try to wrap your head around the fact that listening to this is akin to subjecting yourself to all that is chaos and hellfire. Sin, You Sinners! is among the best of brutal, ear-savaging rock n’ roll. This is the stuff your mum warned you about because it is raised straight from the crypts of doom and despair, aka the vaults of Voodoo Rhythm Records. Sin, You Sinners! is a brilliant display of The Devils’ furious ability to drive raw and primitive sounds into the black depths of an otherwise innocent-seeming soul. Provided this feeling invokes the proper raw emotions, all sense of freedom should be surrendered in exchange for sensational acts of voracious pleasure.Top tracks for your immediate consideration and devouring are the wild “Puppy Nun,” the overwhelming “Drunk Town” and the demonic noise of “Hell’s Gate.” In all, what you can expect from Sin, You Sinners! is some solid trash, blood-spurting, straight-from-the-garage rock n’ roll. When playing, be sure not to cut back on the sound. As with anything thrashy like this, it needs to be played at an earsplitting level, which will hopefully inspire the need to commit utter bedlam on the local community. You know, like what rock n’ roll is supposed to implore. To be sure, Sin, You Sinners! is not for the weak of mind nor the faint of heart. Rather, Sin, You Sinners! is for the rock n’ roller who lives for the thrills of a lifestyle of authentic depravity.With all of this in mind, go on and pick up Sin, You Sinners. From there, be sure to dig deep into the crates of Reverend Beat-Man’s Voodoo Rhythm Records. I guarantee in those crates you’ll find all that is devilishly good, much like Sin, You Sinners. –Nick Kuzmack

Recorded by Jim Diamond of The Dirtbombs (he certainly gets around), and snapped up by Voodoo Rhythm Records, this is a short and to the point LP, at just under 20 mins long. Italian duo The Devils, named after Ken Russell’s 1971 B-Movie, are trashy, thrash-y, and totally classy. If you take blues, garage, good old fashioned speed-fuelled rock ‘n’ roll and stick it in an industrial blender, this pretty much what you would get. That, or if you can imagine a more hardcore and really twisted version of The Courettes, you’d kinda be on the right track. Opener 'Puppy Nun' is a mess of chainsaw like noise and blood-curdling screams. 'Coitus Interruptus (From a Priest)' (see video) tells the story of a Priest and Nun on their travels, stopping for water and drinking the Devil's juice (although not sure whether that’s quite as bad as Jesus juice - you be the judge) What happens next? See for yourself! ‘Hell’s Gate’ comes on like an AK-47. ‘Don’t Look In The Basement’, catchy ‘Misery’ (la, la, la, la, la, la), the relentless ‘Azazel’ and ‘Shaking Satan’s Balls’ are without a doubt of the Diamond school of garage punk rock; raunchy, live and drenched in fabulous fuzz. If you're looking for and a driving primitive beat, ear splitting in-the-red distortion, minimal lyrics, and, as the press release says this ain't no 'Bob Dylan poetry', then you've definitely come to the right, erm... church? Sometimes their sound does border on the Industrial, and they've borrowed from so many different genres that there’s definitely something here for the more open-minded rock and roller. But then, I wouldn’t expect anything less from a band signed by Beat-Man Zeller. Play LOUD.


Ezért szereti az ember a Voodoo Rhythm Records -ot (ezért is!)! Időnként előkapnak valahonnan egy vadiúj, fiatal, max helyi szinten ismert bandát, mint ezt a 2015 ben (írhattam vóna, tavaly) alakult nápolyi brutál duót, oszt kiadják bakeliten, cd-n. Kinek melyik a szimpatikusabb formátum.Mégis milyen banda adja magának a ‘The Devils’ nevet 2015 ben? Hát, fiatal, hóthülye, beleszarós, egyszerű, magabiztos, lényegretörő. Na, ez mind igaz is rájuk, azt hiszem. Némileg árnyalja a képet, és megmagyarázza miért visel ez a szerelmespár papi ill. apáca öltözéket a színpadon, ha tudjuk, hogy a nevet az 1971- es Ken Russel film, az Ördögök után vették fel.Elmondásuk szerint Blueson, punkon nevelkedtek, és egy rakás underground bandát hallgattak, olyanokat hogy: The Cramps, Hound Dog Taylor, The Gories, Jon Spencer, Fugazi, Hasil Adkins, The Oblivians. Hát ebbe a sorba nem nagyon lehet belekötni....Na. Ez év februárjában vették fel a lemezt Montpellier -ben Jim Diamond -al (The Dirtbombs basszer!!!) midőn Beat-Man is éppen arra járt, és egyből szerződtette őket. Nagyon helyesen.A lemez. Ha annyit mondok, hogy 10 szám 17 percben? Akkor már sejthető, hogy itt bizony nincsennek hosszú intrók, pszichedelikus elszállások, egyebek. Dara van, hisztérikus, mániákus tekerés és FUZZZZ orgia !!!!!! Primitív és durva. Annyira, hogy a 17 perc inkább 37 nek tűnik, és nem is nagyon van hiányérzete a hallgatónak.A dalok szövege is ugyanezt a koncepciót követi. Szavak, félmondatok mániákus ismétlése. “Onan came on the floor / the prist touched me harder” oszt kész. Vagy “This town once was wild / but now it’s drunk” 15 ször egymás után...A zene persze totál trash rock n roll, de a lemez vége felé van pár instrumentális szám, aminek egy-egy témáját ha mondjuk 1-2 percig ismételgetnék takaros kis stoner dal is lehetne belőle, mondjuk olyasmi mint a nagyon korai Kyuss. Ja, meg néha finn testvéreink, a Black Magic Six is beugrik (akik úgy szintén duoban nyomják).Nagyon jó lemez, nagyon jó banda, határozottan úgy érzem, hogy látni fogjuk őket RNR666 színpadon hamarosan!

di Andrea Valentini
Diavoli e peccatori. Gente che va d’accordo, o almeno vive sotto allo stesso cielo dalla notte dei tempi. Gente che ascolta e suona anche la musica balorda, spesso... proprio come questi italianissimi (anzi napoletanissimi) Devils, che su questo concept giocano – e a colpo sicuro, visto il punk-garage-blues deragliante che propongono.Chiariamoci: niente di nuovo, niente di sconvolgente, niente di sperimentale o freschissimo e spiazzante. Anzi, qui siamo al cospetto di una coppia di rocker coi piedi ben piantati nel fango della tradizione, che si divertono a essere zozzi e peccaminosi come da manuale. Quindi ritmi sincopati, tribali, martellanti, primordiali e riff che malmenano il canzoniere di Cramps, Hound Dog Taylor, The Gories, Jon Spencer, Hasil Adkins, Gun Club, Deja Voodoo, Mummies e Oblivians. Insomma, chi conosce il genere avrà capito che i numi ispiratori sono quelli giusti – del resto una batterista/cantante vestita da suora e un chitarrista/cantante vestito da predicatore la dicono lunga... questa è musica rituale per anime fottute. L’abbiamo già sentita, l’abbiamo già comprata, l’abbiamo già vissuta. Ma non ne abbiamo mai abbastanza, anche perché non sono molti quelli in grado di interpretarla secondo i sacri crismi. I Devils sì.Se siete orfani di Jeffrey Lee Pierce, ululate alla luna pensando a Lux Interior e sognate di avvolgervi in bende da mummia per suonare musica selvaggia... questi Devils fanno per voi. Poi, il fatto che siano patrocinati dalla Voodoo Rhytmhs di Reverend Beatman, etichetta superspecializzata in sonorità che spaziano nei perigliosi mondi del rockabilly, blues punk, voodoo punk rock’n’roll deviato è un sigillo di garanzia.Per palati abituati a sapori fortissimi, per animi inossidabili. Soddisfazione garantita. Vietato l’ingresso a poser, hipster e curiosi.

Si on additionne un et un on arrive (au nombre de membres de The Devils) vite à comprendre pourquoi ils sont sur Voodoo Rhythm Rds : la même utilisation outrageante des uniformes religieux (voyez la pochette de cet album et comparez là avec la celle du Tribute album consacré aux Monsters), le même son Pur Trash, le côté frustre et cru de leur musique... tout concours à les avoir fait remarquer par Beat Man !
Titres courts et percutants avec un son épais mais jamais inécoutable. La voix féminine, tour à tour agressive ou mélodieuse est prépondérante mais parfois celle du gars vient se mêler à la fête Blues Trash Garage de The Devils.
Ouai, pas de doute ils sont parfaitement à leur place chez Voodoo Rhythm Rds !!!