




LP: VR1215 (EAN CODE : 7640111760153)
CD: VRCD15 (EAN CODE : 7640111760382)

Imagine Mrs Miller and King Uszniewitch having a band together and making dance music in the 60's 70's sleazy cheesy dance club style !!! this is it !!! Puke party with Long Drinks and very very cheap girs... Beat-Man (the Monsters, Reverend Beat-Man) on Drums, Olifr M.Guz (GUZ, die Aeronauten, Averells) on the Farfisa organ, and Patrik Abt (Betty Guzzy Orchestra) on the Guitar and Bass... this bands destroys such Smash hits like Carlos Santana's Europe...doing a Spaghetti Western Version of Europes 'final countdown... and and and.. they are having 140% no respect to this great songs.. covering as simple and stupid as possible, Uraiah Heep, Led Zeppelin Los Bravos... a sure hit for every party that is already over Get Buzzed Drink more and Dance do the Sound of die Zorros !!!!!!!
Die Zorros... first was a Theatre Project for a Swiss country style act... but the 3 musicians thought it was so fun to play together so they desight to go on with this band... good for the band ...bad for the audience.. what you get live it a band who is very good in a corner on in a toilet... it's definitely no band for a big festival or so... they make party music and play on their own PA, the organ always has problems and the organ player always drinks way too much white wine, the drummer is almost always out of the regular beat and the guitarist is constantly flirting with the girls in the audience and forgets the songs immediately..
Selling points:
- members of the Monsters, die Areonauten, GUZ, Reverend Beat-Man
- did music for HBO movie 'going down the valey' 'love and sex' episode
- did a Russian release




El Beat Man es un caso perdido, estoy convencido que nada ni nadie le va hacer cambiar, ni como músico ni como cabeza pelada y visible de su propio sello. En esta nueva entrega nos le encontramos dándole a los tambores y haciéndose acompañar de dos gañanes como él, que con una guitarra y un órgano, deciden un buen día rememorar los sonidos que escuchaban en su pubertad. Tras buscar/recordar un montón de clásicos conocidos por todos los que ya dejamos atrás los 18 años hace algún tiempo. En este trabajo te puedes dar de morros con todo tipo de canciones desde básicos del rock and roll como "Blue Moon" ó "Summertime" al "Europa" de Santana. Desde el himno hippy de Scott Mckenzie "San Francisco" al tema de los Bravos "Black is Black", desde el universal "Brazil" al calenturiento "Ti Amo" del italiano Umberto Tozzy, sin perdonar el "Stairway To Heaven" de Led Zeppelin ó el aberrante "Final Countdown" (creo que era de los Europe), todos estos temas pasados por el tamiz de estos tres chalados, que ejecutan las canciones en clave instrumental y consiguiendo un sonido entre grupo de verbena de principios de los setenta con el culo pelado a base de kilómetros y escenario, mezclado con toques de Spaghetti Western y clásico sonido surf, sin olvidarse de incluir algún que otro tema propio como "Zorro Rettet Russland", "Zorro Thema" ó el abre el disco "Der Lachende Sarg" y aunque muchos no lo crean, hace muchos años el rock and roll sonaba como suena aquí, pese a quien pese, Die Zorros con su locura lo bordan. OSCAR KOTJ

Now, after listeining to this little masterpiece..I know, why I LOVE like all Beat-Man puts out on his label..and what hes doing as a musician! He really lives Rockn Roll, 100%, understanding exacly what all our music is about, never forgetting that the world we live in is not perfect!! And what an incredible Platter this one is!! Do you have a record by Mrs.Miller? That housewife in the 60s that raped hits??? Well..I have it..and now I can tell you what you will buy: One of the BESTWORST albums ever!! A total scorcher this is, the band includes Beat-Man (MONSTERS, Reverend Beat-Man) on Drums, Olifr M.Guz (GUZ, die Aeronauten,Averells) on the Farfisa organ, and Patrik Abt (Betty Guzzy Orchestra) onthe Guitar and Bass... And now imagine a party in the 60s with cheap drinks & those organ records you can still get on every swapmeet for cheap...mix it up..and here we go: Listen to non-hit wonders like „summertime, „blue moon, ti amo, „black is black..and even EUROPEs „final countdown in the special ZORROS style!! This whole record is a piece of art, beginning with the those crazy fliers on the Insert...!! Thank you, saved the world!!!

El Beat Man es un caso perdido, estoy convencido que nada ni nadie le va hacer cambiar, ni como músico ni como cabeza pelada y visible de su propio sello. En esta nueva entrega nos le encontramos dándole a los tambores y haciéndose acompañar de dos gañanes como él, que con una guitarra y un órgano, deciden un buen día rememorar los sonidos que escuchaban en su pubertad. Tras buscar/recordar un montón de clásicos conocidos por todos los que ya dejamos atrás los 18 años hace algún tiempo. En este trabajo te puedes dar de morros con todo tipo de canciones desde básicos del rock and roll como "Blue Moon" ó "Summertime" al "Europa" de Santana. Desde el himno hippy de Scott Mckenzie "San Francisco" al tema de los Bravos "Black is Black", desde el universal "Brazil" al calenturiento "Ti Amo" del italiano Umberto Tozzy, sin perdonar el "Stairway To Heaven" de Led Zeppelin ó el aberrante "Final Countdown" (creo que era de los Europe), todos estos temas pasados por el tamiz de estos tres chalados, que ejecutan las canciones en clave instrumental y consiguiendo un sonido entre grupo de verbena de principios de los setenta con el culo pelado a base de kilómetros y escenario, mezclado con toques de Spaghetti Western y clásico sonido surf, sin olvidarse de incluir algún que otro tema propio como "Zorro Rettet Russland", "Zorro Thema" ó el abre el disco "Der Lachende Sarg" y aunque muchos no lo crean, hace muchos años el rock and roll sonaba como suena aquí, pese a quien pese, Die Zorros con su locura lo bordan.
Oscarkotj para el numero 8 del fanzine NDF y Bloody Mary Web

GUZ, der Mastermind von DIE AERONAUTEN kommt hier zusammen mit BEATMAN, Kopf der MONSTERS, sowie von VOODOO RHYTHM REC. Kleine minimal, instrumentierte aber äußerst schöne und vor allem charmante Trash-Song-Perlen mit Gitarre, Örgelchen & Schepper-Drums, überwiegend instrumental, nicht so wild wie die MONSTERS und auch nicht so durchgeknallt wie LIGHTNING BEATMAN. Eher eine Bad-Taste-Trio-Kapelle die auf einem Dampfschiff die Gäste unterhalten soll. Sie spielen eigene Songs und covern in diesem skurrilen Variety-Stil: Summertime, Blue Moon, Brazil, Be Bop A Lula, Ti Amo, Stairway To Heaven, San Francisco, Blue Berry Blue und The Final Count Down.

The Swiss crazies at Voodoo Rhythm have really flipped their collective wigs with this one. Die Zorros is an in-house supergroup consisting of VR head honcho Beat Man on the minimalist, toy store drums, Olifr M. Guz (Guz, Averells) on the fat, bleating Farfisa organ, and Patrik Abt (Betty Guzzy Orchestra) on guitar and bass. As Die Zorros, they de-construct and rearrange popular tunes in their signature "Low Rock" style. So, what is 'low rock'? Good question. It's kinda like trying to build a fully functioning rocket ship with nothing but construction paper, scissors, and Elmer's glue. The largely instrumental rave-ups are one-take wonders of crazed improvisation, and I can pretty much guarantee that you've never heard anything like it, unless you run the band class at the local nuthouse. This thing is just bursting with jaw dropping highlights, but special mention has to go to their psyche-folk interpretation of the Bee Gee's "Massachusetts". Besides the almost tender calliope organ and Duane Eddy guitar, it's notable because, being Swiss and all, they don't know all the words, so they just sing "Massachusetts" over and over again, adding a few "Yeah, babys!" in there to liven things up. Hippy anthem "San Francisco" is the obvious follow-up, and they play it exactly the same way as "Massachusetts", only with some whistling to cover up the lyrics that they don't know. "Stairway to Heaven" is in there too, sort of, but the best track of all has got to be the closer, a full-on spaghetti western twang-o-rama version of Europe's puffball metal ballad, "Final Countdown". Yeah, you heard me right. Without even trying, Die Zorros have created one of the most subversive rock and roll records ever. They have taken untouchable 'classics' like "Be Bop a Lula" and turned them into so much Play-dough, giddily molding them into crazy new shapes and twisty new sounds. This one's a loopy masterpiece, as Die Zorros tell you themselves in the liner notes:
"Die Zorros is the only band in Switzerland to ever play in Germany (in Switzerland there are only seven bands) and Die Zorros are the best of the, they are the best band in the world. If you buy this record and wait ten years, then you'll see. You'll be a millionaire. Forget about ABBA, or the Beatles, or Engelbert Humperdink, or the Osmonds, or Elvis...the Zorros are something like God."
...I'm pretty much gonna go along with that. Fully amazing.

Med de flesta musikaliska mått är det här kanske ingen vidare skiva. Men det gäller bara om man bortser från underhållnings- och glädjekriteriet. Livslängden kommer kanske inte att visa sig vara den längsta, men för att citera Peter när han skrev om Blink 182 "svinbra just nu i detta ögonblick".
Die Zorros är ett tremannaband som mestadeles spelar covers på sitt eget lilla vis. Sättningen består av trummor, farfisa-orgel och bas eller gitarr. Av texterna sjunger de inget eller vad som koms ihåg. De lutar sig mot surfmusikens arv eller kanske snarare något som skulle kunna kallas island music (tänk Kuba eller Hawaii). Eller för den delen som en garagesurfens motsvarighet till Klaus Wunderlichs varuhusmusik. Det blir luftigt och lätt. Eller ganska taffligt om man så vill.
De kallar sig tanz mini orchester och är från Schweiz. Bara en sån sak.
På "History of Rock vol. 7" gör de bland många andra "Stairway To Heaven", "Black Is Black", "Blue Moon" och "The Final Countdown" i versioner som på något vis instinktivt får mig att vilja bli packad och dansa runt med ett flin på läpparna. Tänk, jag som trodde att jag aldrig mer ville höra "Stairway To Heaven" - Die Zorros tvingar mig äta upp det uttalandet.
Jag blir glad på samma vis av det här som av BS 2000 eller Fun Lovin' Criminals "Mimosa". Inte för att det är skickligt, utan för att det är så befriande avslappnat i all sin banalitet.
Kanske inte musik som förändrar liv, men garanterat leendeframkallande.

Lino Terlatti (Drive Magazine)
Una strampalata ed accattivante follia. Un gruppo che propone dance music come se fosse stata editata negli anni '60, senza computers o sintetizzatori, c'è perfino una cover di Ti amo di Umberto Tozzi incentrata sul suono dell'organo Farfisa.
Un'altra formazione dove il boss Beat-Man compare alla batteria.E selezionano i brani migliori che possano essere inclusi in una storia del rock. Musica da ascoltare ballando in un party con bevande esotiche e baci caldi. Tutti i brani sono stati riarrangiati seguendo questa chiave e sono tutti dei classici.. che appaiono anche in versione spaghetti rock come il tema di Zorro. Black di Isaac Hayes acquista più vigore e simpatia che nella versione originale, ed è da notare che gli arrangiamenti sono ridotti allo zero in low rock.
Creano una scuola dove importanti lezioni vengono rilette e portate verso un'altra via.
E loro si sono divertiti magari senza nemmeno pensare ad una possibile educazione nuova di rock, ma il fatto è che questo cd è un gioiellino. Stairway to heaven dei Led Zeppelin è forse uno dei migliori pezzi; come se Ennio Morricone fosse il direttore delle operazioni ed invece è solo un trio svizzero che potrebbe suonare nei cessi di un motel. Blue Moon ha una chitarrina reggae e una voce troglodita, ma non perde il fascino originale così come Europa di Carlos Santana purgata e rallentata rispetto all'originale e con la batteria suonata come Moe Tucker.E' una musica da surprise party: l'organo ha sempre problemi e il tastierista beve sempre, il batterista va fuori tempo e il chitarrista suona flirtando con le ragazze, dimenticando le canzoni. Un lavoro che se ne infischia di tutto... La grandezza della Voodoo Rhythm è proprio questa: non abbiamo a che fare con un'etichetta normale...
Uno dei più divertenti e stupefacenti prodotti di quest'anno.

playboy magazine (2003)
Not to Stop is the Swiss newcomer band "die Zorros" with their Phonograph record they confirm theyr way to the top of the pop list of the Swiss pop heaven, this record now is not only a mile stone for they fans it's really a mile stone in history of rock music, this product ist the freshest piece of rock or techno or what o ever it's the best record in anykind of music style ever was made and ever will be, die Zorros are totally musical Talented that was given'm by god's hands.. check out Beat 'drum machine' Man 's drum solo in Brazil this is almost Jazz, the rhythm line from this Brilliant Organist Oliver 'tasten gott' Mauermann in "der lachende Sarg"...any questions yet ?? os fly into one of the best guitar solos ever made in history of music by Patrik 'fast pat' Abt in the song 'hello zorros' (it's not on the record, couse everybody wouldsteal this guirar solo)... die Zorros is the only band from Switzerland who ever played in Germany (in Switzerland there are only 7 bands) and the Zorros are the best of the seven... so they are the best band in the world, if you buy this record and wait 10 jears you will see... you'll be a millionaire... forget about the Beatle, ABBA or Engelbert Humpertikor the Osmonds... or Elvis... die Zorros is something like God

Dig It Magazine Toulouse France 2003
Et quand Beat-Man ne drive pas ses Monsters, il tient la batterie pour Die Zorros, un trio qui triture quelques ringardises (et deux ou trois classiques) en version musak d'ascenseur/easy listening sur une base souvent surf/western. Sacré programme. Et "Final Countdown", insupportable bêtise FM des suédois Europe, en version western spaghetti, c'est... comment dire, amusant, vengeur et déconcertant à la fois. Sans doute pas d'un intérêt rock'nroll primordial mais idéal pour faire marrer les potes. "Is that good or is it bad" s'inquiète Beat-Man ? Humm... Disons que c'est à classer pas trop loin de "l'oeuvre" de King Usniewicz. Sont ainsi revisitées à l'orgue Farfisa tendance Bontempi quelques scies ("Ti Amo", "Stairway To Heaven", "San Francisco", le "Europa" de Santana, "Summertime" ou "Brazil") et d'inusables classiques qui résistent plus ou moins bien au traitement ("Black Is Black", "Blue Moon", "Be-Bop A Lula", etc...). Mention "beau boulot" pour la pochette qui parodie les séries de disques de "danse" des 50's. L'album s'appelle d'ailleurs History Of Rock Vol. 7. Prochains méfaits annoncés des Zorros ? Un Opéra !!! (GC)

Bislang hielt man Beatman, Patrik Abt und Olifr M. Guz für ehrliche Kulturschaffende und redliche Stützen der Gesellschaft. Als schillernde Hoffnungsträger des schweizerischen Undergrounds sahen wir sie. Und jetzt das! In der Fratze jämmerlicher Sportplatz Unterhaltungskapellen werden hier die grössten Hits zu Cervelat, Brot und Senf verwurstet. Mit einer inferioren Halleffektsuppe versuchen die drei Herren ihre musikalische Inkompetenz zu kaschieren. Was wir kannten und liebten, wird hier elend in den Dreck gezogen. Nie mehr werde ich mir diese schönen Lieder anhören können, ohne an die ZORROS denken zu müssen.
Boo Kratzmann Switzerland Dez. 2002

O.X (D)
Was hat man denen nu wieder ins Bier getan?! Man weiß ja um den exzentrischen Umgang mit der Musikgeschichte bei den unzähligen Bandmanifestationen von Voodoo Rhythm-Labelchef Beat-Man, aber DIE ZORROS sind schon eine Klasse für sich. Auf "History Of Rock Vol. 7" konfrontieren sie dich mit den grausamen Hymnen deiner Kindheit, oder der Kindheit von jemand anderem, darunter LED ZEPPELIN (natürlich "Stairway To Heaven", ganz groß), URIAH HEEP, SANTANA, BEE GEES, EUROPA (ja wirklich!) und Klassiker wie "Ti Amo" oder "San Francisco". Das Beste an dieser Platte ist, dass Beat-Man und seine Kollegen selbst dem geschmacklosesten dieser sogenannten Evergreens mit ihrem rudimentären, aber gekonnten Trash-Sound noch neues Leben einhauchen können und deren Zombiefizierung rückgängig machen. Am Ende liegt ihr weinend am Boden und dankt dem Herren, oder Beat-Man, abhängig vom jeweiligen Weltbild, für diesen Musik gewordenen Exorzismus, der die Welt von einigen ganz heimtückischen "Melodien für Millionen" gereinigt hat. Aber seid gewarnt, liebe Freunde, nichts, wirklich gar nichts in diesem Leben kann euch auf die "Final Countdown"-Version der ZORROS vorbereiten. Danke, jetzt kann ich endlich in Frieden sterben.